Saturday, September 25, 2010

Two places at once

This morning I am reminded of how much the Lord Loves me. I have been in Australia exactly a month today. Weird that it happens to be my birthday. First things first, let me start out by saying my birthday has been one I will remember forever! I started my morning on an amazing beach learning how to surf.. now who gets to do that? The Lord is so good to me! My amazing best friends threw the best surprise skype party in the entire world!Everyone here in Australia made my day so special and the love I felt around me was so overwhelming and on top of everything else I get to spend the morning (well your late afternoon) talking to my family! If that is not an amazing birthday then I don't know what is? Its not everyday that you can be two ages at one time. I can now say that I have experienced being 22 and 21 at the same time. I'm not going to lie it blows my mind that it is even possible to be on the opposite side of the world serving the same God that I serve back home. Let me say I want to tell you every single detail of everything the Lord is doing in my life, but lets be honest it would take me probably until the day I come home to write out what I have learned in the span of this month, but I will do my best to hit some key things I am learning, Lets just say we serve a God so big that I literally wake up every morning thinking one way and go to bed thinking another way. Can we talk about being transformed by the renewing of our minds? I would have to say I am in renewing minds boot camp! Like I mentioned in my previous blog our lecture a week ago was on the Father heart of God and this week we just finished up the Fear of the Lord. These were two heavy subjects that have turned my world upside down and have completely changed my relationship with the Lord. The Father heart of God was both extremely difficult but so freeing. I was able to hear things is such a different way and look at the Lord through different lenses. The majority of Father heart of God was about healing and us to be healed and set free from the baggage that weighs us down. This healing process was not a fun time, but I would rather take the the hard to get to the freeing, it is so worth it! The Lord has begun a healing process in me and victory is insight! Which brings me to this past week and the Fear of the Lord. if I could describe this week in one word it would be WOW or in a few... What just happened? Our God is so big he is so mighty and Loves us so much! He is power! I am still trying to process this week out, but it has been amazing and eye opening. We are coming to the end of week 4 and I have already seen the Lord is ways I have never seen or experienced before. I am so excited to see what the next few weeks have in store. This week I will be finding out which outreach I will be going on. Please pray for that and also for strength as well to get through the jammed packed days and for rest on the days I do have off. I am so grateful for each one of you and can not wait to share what the Lord is doing, it changes and builds every second. The Lord is building a house out of the finest bricks! This week we are learning about the Holy Spirit, pray for a cleared mind to learn and soak everything in! I will be updating you soon on!

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